
Hebbel am Ufer Berlin
Fonds Darstellende Künste Tabori Preis 2023

TANAMANTRA is a site specific performance and interactive installation piece by soydivision group artists, inspired by various plants that are being used as culinary ingredients. The piece’s name is a portmanteau from two Indonesian words “Tanaman (plants)” and “Mantra”, intended to become a humble reminder of the ways in which ingredients connect us to our past, present and future. In 2022, this piece focuses on Chili and how it signifies and becomes the symbol of catalyst in the human-nature coexistence and harmonization. Tanamantra premiered in Pforzheim PF in collaboration with Sedekah Benih and later on, restaged in Documenta 15 and Ausufern Uferstudios Festival 2022. In 2023, in collaboration with Ming Poon, Tanamantra will focus on lemongrass and turmeric, two of the essential ingredients in many Asian culinary cultures. Through choreography of culinary, dramaturgy of movement and sound, the piece invites the audience to connect with the plants and learn from their wisdom, deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and work towards a more just and equitable society.

Concept : Ariel Orah 
Performance : Ming Poon & Ariel Orah
Culinary and Sound installation : Val De Licer and Ariel Orah
Production crew : Ghaliz Fikhair Haris, Surry, Kim Dia Nae